歡迎 馮鍵強 會員加入中國化學(xué)會
歡迎 張文建 會員加入中國化學(xué)會
歡迎 黎晉良 會員加入中國化學(xué)會
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歡迎 馬致遠 會員加入中國化學(xué)會
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歡迎 成肖鵬 會員加入中國化學(xué)會
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歡迎 孫克楠 會員加入中國化學(xué)會
歡迎 付強 會員加入中國化學(xué)會
歡迎 傅志杰 會員加入中國化學(xué)會
歡迎 韓秋霞 會員加入中國化學(xué)會
歡迎 張肇富 會員加入中國化學(xué)會
男, 西北大學(xué), 教授/研究員/教授級高工或同等級別
2002/5 - 2004/1,臺灣大學(xué),高級訪問學(xué)者,合作教授:彭旭明 院士
1999/8 - 2001/7,中科院西安光機所博士后,合作導(dǎo)師:候詢 院士
1996/9 - 1999/7,蘭州大學(xué),無機化學(xué),導(dǎo)師:史啟禎 教授
1978/9 - 1982/7,蘭州大學(xué),無機化學(xué)
1. Rational construction of a stable Zn4O-based MOF for highly efficient CO2 capture and conversion, Chem. Commun., 2018, 54, 456-459;
2. Construction of Highly Porous Pillared Metal-Organic Frameworks: Rational Synthesis, Structure, and Gas Sorption Properties, Inorg. Chem., 2017, 56, 9147-9155;
3. High CO2 Uptake Capacity and Selectivity in a Fascinating Nanotube-Based Metal-Organic Framework, Inorg. Chem., 2017, 56, 908-913;
4. Porous MOF with Highly Efficient Selectivity and Chemical Conversion for CO2. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2017, 9, 17969-17976;
5. A microporous anionic metal-organic framework for a highly selective and sensitive electrochemical sensor of Cu2+ ions. Chem. Commun., 2016, 52, 8475-8478;
6. Cleavage of a C–C σ bond between two phenyl groups under mild conditions during the construction of Zn(II) organic frameworks, Green Chem., 2016, 18, 5418-5422;
7. Two 3D Isostructural Ln(III)-MOFs: Displaying the Slow Magnetic Relaxation and Luminescence Properties in Detection of Nitrobenzene and Cr2O72–, Inorg. Chem., 2016, 55, 11323-11330;
8. Two Isostructural Metal-Organic Frameworks Directed by the Different Center Metal Ions, Exhibiting the Ferrimagnetic Behavior and Slow Magnetic Relaxation. Inorg. Chem., 2016, 55, 6592-6596;
9. Two Nanocage-Based Metal-Organic Frameworks with MixedCluster SBUs and CO2 Sorption Selectivity, Inorg. Chem., 2015, 54, 8937-8942;
10. Selective CO2 adsorption in a microporous metal-organic framework with suitable pore sizes and open metal sites, Inorg. Chem. Front., 2015, 2, 550-557.