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男, 西湖大學, 教授/研究員/教授級高工或同等級別
1983.09-1988.07 中國科學技術大學近代化學系(現(xiàn)化學物理系)本科,獲得理學學士學位
1988.09-1989.05 中國科學技術大學近代化學系(現(xiàn)化學物理系)碩士研究生
1991.09-1996.10 美國哥倫比亞大學化學系,獲得博士學位(Ph.D.)
1996.11-1999.03 美國杜邦公司Marshall研究所和賓夕法尼亞大學化學系,博士后
1999.03-2009.06 中國科學院化學研究所分子反應動力學國家重點實驗室,研究員
2009.06-2017.01 美國能源部西北太平洋國家實驗室(PNNL)環(huán)境分子科學研究所(EMSL),Chief Scientist
2017.01-2021.04 復旦大學化學系教授
2021.05-至今 西湖大學化學系和物理系教授
Libing Zhang, Li Fu, Hong-fei Wang*, Bin Yang*, Discovery of Cellulose Surface Layer Conformation by Nonlinear Vibrational Spectroscopy. Sci. Rep. 7, 44319, 2017.
Paul E. Ohno, Sarah A. Saslow, Hong-fei Wang, Franz M. Geiger*, and Kenneth B. Eisenthal. 2016. Phase-referenced Nonlinear Spectroscopy of the a-Quartz/Water Interface, Nature Comm., 7, 13587, 2016.
Hong-fei Wang*. Sum frequency generation vibrational spectroscopy (SFG-VS) for complex molecular surfaces and interfaces: spectral lineshape measurement and analysis plus some controversial issues, Prog. Surf. Sci., 91, 155-182, 2016.
Hong-fei Wang*, Luis Velarde, Wei Gan, Li Fu, Quantitative Sum-Frequency Generation Vibrational Spectroscopy of Molecular Surfaces and Interfaces: Lineshape, Polarization, and Orientation, Annu. Rev. Phys. Chem., 66, 189-216, 2015.
Amanda L. Mifflin, Luis Velarde, Junming Ho, Brian T. Psciuk, Christian F. A. Negre, Carlena J. Ebben, Mary Alice Upshur, Zhou Lu, Benjamin L. Strick, Regan J. Thomson, Victor S. Batista, Hong-Fei Wang*, and Franz M. Geiger*, Accurate Lineshapes from Sub- 1 cm-1 Resolution Sum Frequency Generation Vibrational Spectroscopy of a-Pinene at Room Temperature, J. Phys. Chem. A., 119, 1292-1302, 2015.
Libing Zhang, Zhou Lu, Luis Velarde, Li Fu, Yunqiao Pu, Shi-You Ding, Arthur J. Ragauskas, Hong-Fei Wang*, and Bin Yang*, Vibrational Spectral Signatures of Crystalline Cellulose Using High Resolution Broadband Sum Frequency Generation Vibrational Spectroscopy (HR-BB-SFG-VS), Cellulose, 22, 1469-1484, 2015.
Luis Velarde, Hongfei Wang, “Unified treatment and measurement of the spectral resolution and temporal effects in frequency-resolved sum-frequency generation vibrational spectroscopy (SFG-VS)”, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 15, 19970-19984, 2013.
Donald R. Baer*, Mark H. Engelhard, Grant E. Johnson, Julia Laskin, Jinfeng Lai, Karl Mueller, Prabhakaran Munusamy, Suntharampillai Thevuthasan, Hong-fei Wang, Nancy Washton, Alison Elder, Brittany L.