*Email: lzwu@mail.ipc.ac.cn
Artificial Photosynthesis for Chemical Transformation
Li-Zhu Wu*
Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry, CAS, Beijing 100190, China
With the increasing concern over the global energy crisis and the greenhouse effect caused by carbon dioxide emission, the development of carbon-neutral and renewable-energy solutions has attracted considerable interest in both the scientific and industrial communities. Nature long ago figured out how to use photosynthetic complex to capture sunlight and then to store its energy in a chemical form. Artificial photosynthesis is the idea that one might be able to create energy and other useful thing from sunlight, water and carbon dioxide, as plants do. Inspired by the ability of natural photosynthesis to convert solar energy into chemical energy, the scientific community recognized the potential of light-driven reactions (photochemistry) as a powerful approach to chemical synthesis. From the high energy intermediate generated by photoinduced excitation of organic molecules, unique reaction manifolds can be accesses that are generally unavailable to conventional thermal pathways. Thus photochemical reactions considerably enrich the synthetic repertoire of modern organic chemists. Our group has long engaged in the photochemistry research related to the photoinduced energy transfer, electron transfer and chemical transformation. In this presentation, we will compile several stories to illustrate photochemical approaches that may be useful in the design of artificial photosynthetic systems for effective chemical transformation.